Loyalty LATAM Pass Brasil

Enhancing digital points exchange in Brazil


Identifying growth opportunities in the CNA experience of LATAM Pass Brasil and consolidating them into a single backlog, creating clarity about the next steps.


In 6 months, we defined the Growth strategy and operational model for LATAM Pass Brasil's e-commerce. This involved executing Quick Wins, updating the value capture plan, and enhancing operational efficiency. We supported LATAM, Latin America's largest airline, in diagnosing and accelerating its Frequent Flyer Program (FFP) unit in Brazil. Prioritizing 47 initiatives out of 100, we focused on 5 dimensions: CX, Marketing, Product, Analytics & SEO, and Technology, identifying untapped growth potential and deploying a strategy with defined KPIs.


Thanks to our strategy and deep understanding of individual needs, we achieved a 69% increase in conversion rate in owned media, specifically through email. We tripled website sales per product assortment. Additionally, we boosted the conversion rate from organic searches by 17%. Finally, we achieved a 51% improvement in the conversion rate in paid media, such as Google Ads, reflecting the positive impact of our methodology across all channels.


 Conversion Rate in Owned Media (Email)


Website Sales per Product Assortment


Conversion Rate from Organic Searches


Conversion Rate in Paid Media (Google Ads)

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