
A New Model of Value-Added Service


The construction industry in Chile has a great opportunity to advance towards greater technological maturity, as well as a significant challenge in integrating technology and data into its traditional operational model (focused on production). Your customers, on the other hand, are increasingly accustomed to simpler, digital, accessible experiences focused on providing them with greater value.


Redefinition of Melón's commercial experience and achievement of leadership in its industry. For this, it was necessary to generate disruption and evolution from a transactional model of concrete and cement sales to a value-added service model for its customers. We created a new value proposition and then generated an implementation roadmap to build capabilities to bring it to reality.


We received an 8/10 in user feedback on the tested prototypes. We identified over 50 quick wins to improve the experience and tested 4 key solutions. These improvements not only optimize user satisfaction but also boost the efficiency and effectiveness of the final product.


User feedback on tested prototypes.


Quick wins to improve the experience.


Tested solutions.

We reinvent the finance of the Mexican market.
What our client say
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