
Strengthening Competitive Position in Health


Metlife, a major international insurance company, wanted to create a comprehensive understanding of the healthcare industry in Chile, define potential scenarios in light of regulatory and contextual changes, and evaluate strategic options to strengthen its position. Metlife has been a market leader over time but faced challenges in continuing its evolution towards disruption, mainly due to its insufficient use of technology.


We built a comprehensive understanding of the healthcare industry in Chile, which provided a vision of business opportunities considering the fit with Metlife's current capabilities. We mapped out potential industry scenarios in light of regulatory and contextual changes in the country, considering the effects and possible actions of different sectors/players. Finally, we prioritized some strategic actions for Metlife in each scenario.


This project enabled Metlife to strengthen its position in Chile's healthcare sector by identifying opportunities aligned with its capabilities, anticipating regulatory changes, and prioritizing strategic actions to enhance technology use and market leadership.

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